Tudor Prince on our Exclusive Tourbe Brune Alligator

Lester's Tudor Prince on our Exclusive Tourbe Brune Alligator


Tourbe Brune Alligator strap by Dangerous9straps
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Tudor Prince on our Exclusive Tourbe Brune Alligator

Tudor Prince on our Exclusive Tourbe Brune Alligator – Hi strap lovers here are some photos sent to me by very happy customer Lester of his great looking Tudor Prince Panda dial ‘Tiger’ Chronograph with his newly arrived Dangerous9 Alligator strap.  This strap features our exclusive Tourbe Brune American Alligator from our ultra-premium Alligator supplier France Croco.  The color and quality of these Alligator hides are unsurpassed as I think is evident in these photos.  This strap also includes our ‘SuperExotica’ upgrade, featuring super fine hand saddle stitching using our best French linen thread and lined in soft and durable black shark skin.  Wear your Tudor and Dangerous9strap well Lester, Yours is our ‘Watch of the Week’

Read more:

If in addition to the photos here, you would like to read further details about some of the many straps I have made for the Tudor watches, over the years, please follow this link to blog pages relating to Dangerous9straps for Tudor watches.

To see and read more about the many straps that I have made from Tourbe Brune Alligator over the years, please follow this link to a list of blog posts relating to Tourbe Brune Alligator by Dangerous9straps

Contact us:

If you would like me to build this strap for your Tudor Chronograph or any other of your precious timepieces, please don’t hesitate to contact me right away to begin your custom strap consultation.  You are always welcome to e-mail me at Dangerous9straps@gmail.com or simply click on the contact button at the top of this blog and complete the brief contact form and I will get back to you right away.  I would be happy to hear from you!



Lester's Tudor Prince on our Exclusive Tourbe Brune Alligator
Custom Tourbe Brune Alligator watch strap
Lester's Tudor Prince on our Exclusive Tourbe Brune Alligator
Beautiful Tourbe Brune Alligator strap for vintage Tudor Prince